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Dehradun Training Centre

Training Centres in Dehradun

There are famous Training Centres in Dehradun,that provides various types of training.Multi Disciplinary Training Centre is one of the big training centre in Dehradun.Indian Military Academy It is a premier training institute for Army Officers.Forest Research Institute and Indian Military Academy and Indian Institute of Petroleum is also in Dehradun.Others Training Centres are listed below:

Multidisciplinary Training centre ,Dehradun

Tibetan Sos Vocational Training Centre , Dehradun

Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy (IGNFA)

Staff college for the officers of the Indian Forest Service (IFS) in Dehradun

Forest Research InstituteIndian Military Academy

Wadia Institute of Himalyan GeologyThe Zoological Survey Of India

Indian Institute of Petroleum

Instrument Research and Development Establishment (IRDE)

Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd


In the year 1987, The Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy was established .Later, renamed as erstwhile Indian Forest College, which was originally established in 1938 for forest officers training. It is situated on Chakrata Road five kilometers from Dehradun, in the New Forest campus of Forest Research Institute. IGNFA is currently working as a Staff College for the officers of the Indian Forest Service. The primary mandate of the Academy is to impart knowledge and skills to the professional foresters and help them to develop competence for managing the country's forest and wildlife resources on a sustainable basis. Training is provided in defferent levels in academy of seniority in the Indian Forest Service.


Forest Research Institute is established as Imperial Forest Research Institute in 1906, Dehradun,Forest Research Institute is a leader institution under the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education.The main building is a National Heritage which was established in the year 1929. FRI is located in the surroundings of Doon Valley. the Forest Research Institute is a conceited evidence to the prescience and revelation of foresters and administrators of ancient times. As a scientific speculation, Forestry,made its beginning in the mid-nineteenth century in India. With the end of the nineteenth century there a need was occured for research in forestry.Fortunately, Dehradun was selected to house the Forest Research Institute, which was finally established in 1906.


Name of the Course Duration

1. Candle and Chalk Making - 1 Week

1. Agarbatti Making - 1 Month

2. Detergent Powder Making - 2 Weeks

3. Cloth Screen & Block Printing. - 2 Weeks

4. Voltage Stabilizer - 2 weeks

5. Masala Artisan Course - 1 Month

6. Masala Artisan Course - 1 Month

7. Motor Winding - 3 Months

8. Diamond cutting - 2 Months

9. Short term course in V.I. - 1 Week

10. EAP 2 - 2 Days

11. E.D.P. for MMS beneficiaries - 5 Days

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