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Dehradun links

Dehradun City

Weather in Dehradun:
Dehradun is green city of India and Capital of Uttranchal. Dehradun is located in the foothills of Himalayas.This is the cool and calm city and known for its cool climate and environment.On the edge amidst the rough mountains of the Himalayas, at a height of 2,200 ft, Dehradun is a scenic valley of North India. Dehradun is considered as an privileged city of India, the place of headquarters of some most important organizations of the country and also contains some of its foremost educational institutions,colleges and Training Centres.Beyond from the various tourist attractions of the situate, what makes it a popular flee is its calm and refreshing climate.Dehradun is near to himalaya,fairlly chilly city and very cold during from November to February. Information on the weather of Dehradun is given below:.

Dehradun weather and Forecast:-

Location:- Uttaranchal
Altittude: - 2,200 ft (above sea level)
Summer Temperature: - Minimum: 16.7oC, Maximum: 36oC
Winter Temperature: - Minimum: 5.2oC, Maximum: 23.4oC
Average Rainfall:- 2073.3mm

Winter temperature:-
Maximum temperature of Dehradun city in winter season (from November to February) is much cold .Dehradun maximum temperature falling down to 23.2oC and minimum temperature falling down to5.4oC. Dehradun winter remain ideal for enjoying snowfall in the garhwal Himalayas.

Summer Temperature:-
Maximum temperature of Dehradun city in summer season is much hot .Dehradun maximum temperature falling down to 36.2oC and minimum temperature falling down to16.4oC.Summer season was mid April to mid June.Dehradun summers see huge influx of tourists to place from the hot and seething plains below.

Downpour Temperature:-
Dehradun in July to September is generally monsoons Rain is very peace-making after boiling and arid summer months and weather is tepid. The moisture remains very high, especially in the month of July and early August.

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